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" she continued, and I shot her apanicked look hoping she wouldn't give the game away with my job at KingStudios which I still hadn't divulged the full details of to Abbie.Mercifully this comment seemed to go unchallenged by Abbie. "I have tosay you look fabulous too darling!" Florence smiled, turning to Abbie nowand I sighed with relief now the attention was off me for a brief moment.I decided to take in Florence's outfit, or rather lack of outfit.As Abbie had said earlier that evening everything for women on Halloweenwas sexy, and sexy meant short and revealing. Florence had indulged thisspirit to the absolute limit and would have been walking around the partynaked except for a leopard print bra and thong. Strappy high heels, ablack collar with a little bell on it and a cheap pair of cat earscompleted her ensemble. I found myself eyeing her Queen of Spades tattoosurfacing above her thong and wondered if Abbie knew its relevance."Oh hey, glad to see I'm not too late!" Came a familiar. "Allan nodded and wrote something in his notebook, "Ok, how aboutfriends and school?"Chris laughed, "No friends at school, but teachers would probablyremember my name."Allan smiled, "Well, we've been toying with some scenarios regardingyour school. They can't release your records to the press or anything,but, if it ever comes up, we may have to develop a story regarding aprivate school. We've had complicated backstories to develop before... Ithink we can handle the school stuff."Allan wrote down a few more notes and then said, "So, that's a start.I'll get people working on covering our asses on these fronts." Then helooked at all the girls and said, "Can anyone else think of anyone whomight know our dirty, little secret?"Everyone shook their heads, except Gina who said, "Umm... I think Johnmay know."Everyone got quiet and looked at her."John who?" asked Allan."John Holden. That night that Evan signed us, John was there. He sawChris performing as a guy. I'm pretty sure that we.
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