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My hair was silky, my skin was fairer and I was around 5’10 and maybe 140 pounds maybe less.I was skinny and shy and popular boys in my college used to tease me for many reasons. Most of all their reason was that my ass was big. Not the biggest but since my body was so skinny it stood out. The other thing was I had no hair on my body except of course under my arms and my crotch which I shaved regularly since I liked having a smooth body. I was always fond of smooth bodies. I saw some porn early in my life and the guys were smooth which I liked. Anyway, my friends were only two or three and not really popular. One was a nerd and one was a bad student. He was quite dumb really. But this story is not about them not really being skinny and shy meant girls were not into me though I loved them.That is probably why it was hard for me to fantasize about girls it was tough to picture myself with girls and then the popular boys teasing me about my ass was embracing but a turn on. Secretly I. "What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" I asked next."I might ask the same question of you," he replied, not answering mine."We came here a few months ago to study. It's very peaceful and quiet here ... at least it was until yesterday." Yes, on the way here, I passed several vehicles that had crashed and burned. There wasn't a lot left of them. That's where I got this metal bar," he told me holding it up."Can you have Mistress O'Connell remove this thing?' he asked next, as he tapped the shell with a knuckle."She left some time ago to meet with people in the capital. I don't know when she'll be back, but she left the shell up in case the Army tried something else,"I told him."Can I come inside then?" he asked with a smile."No, I can't do that, the Mistress wouldn't approve of that," I told him."She doesn't have to know, besides it's only me, and you know me. Look around, there isn't anyone else within miles, we could have a little fun. The O'Connells are rumored to be.
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