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"Sophie was impressed and told him so. Luke gave her his address when she agreed to have dinner with him Friday. He lived in an apartment complex right near her work so she didn't need directions. Laying in bed later, a smile on her face, she still heard his voice in her mind.That week went pretty much as the one before. Sophie had a small yard but she enjoyed puttering in the flower garden. One evening she shopped for new shoes to go with the clothes she had bought. Of course, there was always her writing. Toni sent her the links to a few sites that accepted erotica so she spent time browsing them. It was a huge step for her to submit her work. Sophie thought back to the night Luke helped her choose 'Flame' as the name she would write under and blushed.Friday Sophie hurried home from work to shower and change. Luke mentioned he planned to grill salmon for them on the deck so she chose a casual outfit. She arrived a few minutes early and rang the doorbell."Hi," Sophie said. He finally looked up at me. ‘Professor Davis…I actually don’t have any questions today.’ He tried to act calm but he seemed a bit flustered. He pulled his chair just a little away from me. ‘You’ve worked very hard in my class, and you seem to understand the course very well. I don’t see why you need to do this-‘ I was a bit hurt, ‘I’m not here for the grade, Professor.’ He flushed red and cleared his throat. He was speechless. I got off my chair and kneeled down. He immediately stood up in shock. ‘While it’s flattering that such an intelligent and beautiful woman would show an interest in me–I am quite too old for you.’ His rough hands held my wrist. The first touch from Professor Davis. I was thrilled. He pulled me up to stand up. His face was turning really red from embarressment. ‘Please, leave my office and we’ll forget what just happened.’ ‘No, I’ve been holding back this whole semester. Please…’ I pleaded and went on my knees again. He looked so lost and speechless. I placed my.
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