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After a few hours we quickly decided it wasn't for us. There was too many d**gs for one thing and it didn't seem terrible hygene friendly. Despite our enjoyment of bareback fun we do have standards.Luckily there was another couple there that seemed to be having a similar experience. I took it upon myself to start a conversation and suggested the 4 of us escaped. We did just that and ended up having a lovely evening of a late dinner. The husband joe was a very friendly and funny guy and his wife Lana was equally as wonderful. They were both in their 60s and had been swinging since their 20s. They had hoped to be playing with a couple of similar age for various reasons, one being a bit of body envy/embarrassment. They both felt their best days were behind them. We did our best to convince them to not let that stuff get to them but they stuck to their guns. We all agreed to stay in touch as we had hit it off so well.A few days later Lou received a message from Lana thanking us for a. Feeling her soft wetness on the tip of it’s cock it drove forward until reaching her cervix.The pleasure of the penetration forced a gasp of delight from Megan. She then placed her hands underneath her hips and ass and raised her legs, with bent knees, as high as she could while also spreading her legs as wide as she was able. This position brought the beast great pleasure and it began to make all kinds of hooting and whistling sounds, as well as normal grunts and groans. It shifted it’s arm to the bed over Megan’ head for support and began to thrust in earnest. This angle definitely helped to stimulate Megan’s G-spot and she soon found herself experiencing another series of orgasms. The continuous muscle contractions of Megan’s pussy soon forced the beast to release another giant load into Megan. When it’s cock began to shrink in her it removed it and again rolled onto it’s back.As Megan lay there she began to feel chilly, due to the cool temperature and the fact all she was.
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