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Strangely, I felt a little distorted in my place in the present because I kept having memories of my trips into the past confusing me about reality and fantasy in the real world.I decided that my best course of action was to just remain detached from the memories of the past and wait for my next trip which I suspected was not far in the future. I was starting to get those little hints of my mind wandering and caught myself staring out a window simply looking at the clouds racing across the sky in a race that never ended. I wondered where they were going and what they would see when they got there at their final destination.I sat in the outdoor chair at the local coffee shop and looked blankly at the huge billboard that proclaimed “Canada – The Land that time forgot” enticing New Yorkers to vacation in the northern regions on their honeymoon or for any other reason to get away from the stresses of the modern world. It triggered a memory of my travels north to track the escaping Indians. I made it to room opened the door and decided to relax for a little a bit. The room had a king bed and shower it was pretty nice too also had a work desk and a chair.I Heard a Knock on the door, I opened it up it was Elizabeth. “Hi so this is were your staying?” Elizabeth said smiling “Yeah” I said mildly embarrassed, “Cool” Elizabeth Replied enthusiastically “Hey Do you Mind if I use your shower real quick I have gotten one since I got here?” Elizabeth I said “sure” Those I was mildly surprised. I then sat down on the bed I can see Elizabeth left the door open I saw strip out of that Gray dress she was wearing white panties and a strapless bra. Elizabeth then took off her bra and panties revealing her gorgeous breast and tush she then went into shower I began to hear the water run. I was wondering why she left the door open to the bathroom, I then decided to walk in on her out of curiosity and me being slightly turned on. Elizabeth stood in the running shower, and was soaping her.
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