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Our relationship was aloof. It was like we knew we were enemies, and might have to go mano-a-mano. I think neither of us wanted to beat up on a good friend, so we sort of suspended our friendship.At one of the working group meetings, Brandy and I proposed that our sororities would jointly rent a big dual clock, and would jointly hire a wrestling referee and clock operator, and would be reimbursed out of the already swelling advance ticket sales. The Kaps wanted to know why we didn't want them to do hire the ref and clock op directly. We said we wanted them to be working for the participants, not the promoters. They muttered something about us not trusting them and of course, they were correct but we didn't reply.My sorority sisters and I spend much of the time from December through mid-March working out, trying to determine who were our best wrestlers, and so the girls who were drawn at random the night of the event would have some idea what they were doing. It was logical to assume. Amy blocked my path. "Uh uh. You need to finish this seminar, Cletus. Enquiring minds want to know." Look," I replied, "I'm just saying that men and women have different needs and goals, and that while they ARE complementary, it sometimes doesn't seem like it. Recently, we've put some things in place as a society that sound wonderful, but they lead to relationship issues involving gender roles."Amy cocked her head. "What?"I looked around. Everyone else was hooked, too. I sighed. "Let's settle in and relax, and I'll try to explain the world according to Cletus." Amy and Kate basically pushed Michael off his lounger so they could both occupy it -- so he moved to a straight chair, and Heather settled into the third in the set, Pete holding the second. "Marriage. Marriage is designed to be a partnership that capitalizes on gender roles -- that set of complementary needs and goals between guys and gals. But recently, we've handed a bunch of male roles to gals and we've removed any redress.
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