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I can discuss it with her tonight after she leaves her sister behind, then she can think about it overnight." Which means you're planning to spend the night with me?" Becky asked with an arched eyebrow. "Honestly, Alex, both Melissa and I are here for a long time and we know enough about what's involved to know how important it is. We don't mind taking a back seat when it's necessary. Besides, from what Cate describes, it's not like we have to do without. You've been pretty good at incorporating her even when you entertain several others." No, actually it means we're going to need to have a planning session tonight. There are a few things coming to a head tomorrow, and we need to figure out how to handle it." Ah, I figured something was up. Want to discuss it?" No, this is too public and we're too likely to be distracted. We can easily put it off until later, but when we do discuss it, we should concentrate on the issues." Again, I don't think you'll have any problems there," Becky. I looked back to see Daniel kneeling next to me, gently cleaning me up. I saw Ryan hand washcloths to John and Ethan as Daniel apologies. “Sorry Scarlett, none of us ever seem to last very long with you. Did you get to climax or would you like me to help you finish?”“No, I had a nice orgasm there as well. I know I have to told all of you before not to feel bad about cumming quickly with me. I take it as a complement that I turn you on so much you can’t control yourself. I must say I was surprised how much you all came though, have you stopped visiting the stables to play with the ponies?”Ryan shook his head “No, we’ve just had a busy week and haven’t had a chance. After we brought Dawn in we were only here for maybe twelve hours before we flew back to Tahiti to drop off some guests, and we had to do some maintenance work on the jet. We got back last night and were working on this one all morning. That’s not an excuse for us cumming so quickly with you, and it doesn’t make it any less.
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