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.." Julia began."Your story doesn't hold any water. Here is one I prepared earlier."Ritchie smiled as he said that and handed Julia a folder. She started toflick through it detailing her life as little girl to present and itseemed pretty comprehensive."You've done a lot of homework on this," Julia accused Ritchie."A lot of it won't be traceable by other journalists. They won't be ableto make you out as a fraud easily. You could be Julia Clark if you wantedto," Ritchie offered.Was that what Malcolm wanted? He'd certainly been much happier as Juliathan he'd ever been as the loser Malcolm. Julia was a hero beloved by thenation. He was much sexier as Julia and he loved being desired andwanted."I think I do," Julia replied simply. "Don't ask me to explain why." I'm not making a judgement." Ritchie held up his hands. "Besides I haveto declare a degree of self interest in this."Julia arched an eyebrow at that. Just what was Ritchie up to?"Look, the first time I met you in the police cell I. Greg made his way to the door and found the coat closetopen and Wayne's coat on the floor. He kicked it to one side andopened the door."Oh, hi Greg," an attractive middle aged looking woman said leaningagainst a large bright red roll aboard suit case. The woman had on aheavy red coat hiding most of her shape. On her head was a widebrimmed red hat ontop of chestnut colored hair. She wore sunglasses toprotect from the glaring white snow. It took Greg a minute torecognize her."Carrie," Greg said, putting the name to the association. Wayne'smother."Sorry, but can I come inside? It's cold out here and you wouldn'tbelieve what I had to do to get here," Carrie said and Greg steppedaside so she could come in. She stepped inside and Greg shut the door.She started to take off the scarf she was wearing when her eyes wentup and suddenly she saw the girl wearing only the guy's shirt andsocks standing in the living room. "Oh. Hello," Carrie said awkwardly.She turned to Greg, who was standing there.
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