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I gobbled him joyfully. As I blew him my hand crept between his spread legs and caressed his bum. I pulled him and encouraged him to fuck my mouth and felt the muscles of his bottom flex with each thrust. Inevitably my middle finger found its way to Tom tight little anus and delicately introduced Tom to the first base of anal pleasure as I bobbed up and down his tight shaft. He seemed to enjoy it all.I stopped sucking and gave another firm instruction. “Turn around Tom.” He hesitated. “Turn around!” I repeated. Silently he obeyed and I put my hand through to grab his cock and bend it down. Tom bent forward. “A little more Tom.” I said. He bent. His buttocks naturally parted. I licked his arse and didn’t stop for some time. I wanked him as I rimmed and he began to appreciate my services as I became even more probing. Then suddenly my oral anal was interrupted by him exclaiming…“Oh God, I’m cumming!”“Quick let me take it!” I commanded.He spun round and I engulfed his delicious erupting. The meal was as tasteless as it looked, and the tea had no sugar in it. She took only a few mouthfuls of the food, but drank the tea slowly. Other than the toilet, there was no way to get a drink. The tea, even though it tasted wrong without sugar, was going to be her only source of refreshment.Sometime later, the hatch opened, and her plate, cup and cutlery disappeared through it before it once again closed. She tried to force the hatch open with her bare fingers, shattering three of her nails.Laura sat back on the bed and wept. Even animals were better treated than this. Animals occasionally got fresh air, but all she had was the air conditioning that her room have been built with. The air was not dank, but nor was it fresh.Laura knew she was going insane. She had been speaking to herself for so long, just to break the monotony of the silence in her room. She had, for a period, started sitting on the toilet and standing up, just to hear it flush.Three times a note had come through.
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