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She straddled me and slowly started going down my chest with her tongue. She pulled down my shorts and out came my 6 inch dick. I wasn’t sure if she thought it was big enough until she commented on how big it looked to her. She hadn’t ever gone past “second base” with a guy before and she admitted she was a little nervous as she took a hold of my erect penis. She gave me one last wet kiss before she licked her lips and wrapped them around the head of my cock. She licked the head and started stroking the shaft. She licked on my balls and then put them in her mouth and sucked gently yet firmly on them. It felt so good and I felt my pulse pumping through my cock with Sierras tiny little hand wrapped around it. She then took her hand down to the base and put as much of my cock into her mouth as she could fit. She sucked hard on it and pushed it up against both cheeks and then shoved it to the back of her throat. She bobbed up and down on my dick while mixing in some strokes. She. She came very hard screaming “Oh God! Oh Fuck! Oh God! Oh Fuck!It had been at Ann’s instigation about a month ago that they took an entire session working thru one another’s likes and dislikes…stopping frequently for what she called ‘coaching”. She didn’t like any of the commercial lubes and she hated it if he spit on her for lubrication…which she claimed was all unnecessary if he just did things right …for her…her body would supply any lubrication needed…He on the other hand liked it all a bit messy and loved it when she spit on his cock. They had worked on each position and preferred sequencing…At first he had found the whole thing a bit weird…but came to appreciate her thoughtful approach to sex…He wondered if she had done the same with her husband…but he never asked.Today, Ann just let him take control. After she recover from her hard climax…She whispered in his ear, “I am here for your pleasure” a signal they had worked out to let him know to take charge and that she will do.
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