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A sissy is less than a man. And less thana woman.I used to think that wearing feminine knickers was the key symbolicaction. Nowadays I think a bra is the single most powerfully symbolicitem for a sissy to wear. These days knickers / underpants come in avariety of styles and colours and most people of both genders choose towear them under outer clothes for comfort and hygiene. They are not onview (although you might glimpse a waist-band beneath a skimpy top). Buta man without breasts doesn't need to wear a bra. A male only wears a braas a statement of identity. A proof that he is a sissy. And furthermore,the tell-tale bumps of straps and fastenings showing under his outerclothes means that his sissiness is much more likely to be detected,(especially, I think, by women). Detected - or confirmed.Most of my stories are about young adult male individuals. They areunashamedly wanking stories. I usually write them in the first person. Ithink they will be most effective if the reader. His staff was disguised to look like a cudgel, which it was common for a man to carry if he couldn't afford a gun and was not an expert with a knife.He slouched around in the alley behind the gambling hall and waited for someone to open the rear door. He knew that it would be done eventually, The Ghost just needed to exercise a little patience. While he waited, he pretended to be sleeping off a drunken night.A little after daylight, the rear door was opened and a load of trash was thrown out. The worker went back for another load without first closing the door. The Ghost took advantage of this oversight by slipping through the door before that person returned. He was hiding in a small room on the floor with the safe long before anyone returned to a place where The Ghost might have been seen.It was unbelievable the transformation in appearance that The Ghost underwent as he turned his clothes inside out and put on his hood. No one would have connected him with the drunken laborer who.
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