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" And then, my eyes and ears could hardly believe what came next. "Bill, I'm gonna cum..."And that was it. She went silent. I saw her hands suddenly reach up and practically dig into the back side of his biceps. Her feet were dangling off his shoulders. I saw her body push off the bed a little. Lifting her hips off the bed. He kept pounding her. And then, Stacy's body became rigid. She began to convulse uncontrollably. While the room was dark, there was some light coming in from the living room or from the TV being left on. I'm not sure. But, I could definitely see half of her face. Her head began to convulse wildly. She tried to hold eye contact with Bill but her head was shaking around so violently that she couldn't. Her hands were dug into his biceps, holding on for her life. Her orgasm lasted at least twenty to thirty seconds. It was the most powerful orgasm I had ever seen. Finally her orgasm subsided and her body became limp. Bill kept fucking her. His pace. Wendy tried to get Grandpa Jack's cock out of her mouth but Jack held her, still by the hair, close enough where she couldn't dislodge his prick. Grandpa just kept thrusting in and out of the teenager's mouth. I spanked her again with the belt. Whack!. "Stop fighting it Wendy. My grandfather wants to use your mouth and I want you to submit to him. Whatever he wants you do. Understood?" She quieted down and mumbled around grandpa's big dick something that I took to be a "Yes". She was submissive but needed to be told what to do firmly.While Wendy's bottom was being spanked by me and her mouth being violated by my grandfather's thick cock my mother reached over and plunged two of her fingers into Wendy's already wet pussy. Wendy's little cunt creamed my mother's hand seconds before Jack unloaded and gave her a big mouthful of cum.Grandpa said pulling the young girl off my lap. "Daughter take care of your son's hard on while I take this young thing to your bedroom and show her how an old.
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