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She was so excited to go apartment hunting with her best friend, she was so happy that they were moving out of their parents houses and in together.“Fiiiiiine” Holly replied hauling herself out of bed. She walked over to her cupboard and pulled out an out fit and disappeared into the bathroom. She came back 20 minutes later ready to go.“Your car or mine?” Holly asked“Um mine I’ll drive” Hadley replied with a smile, Holly looked at her weirdly “What?” she asked self-consciously staring at Holly“You seem weird…like overly happy” she said raising her eyebrow at Hadley.“You’re being silly, come on lets go” Hadley said as she began walking towards her car.At 11 a.m. they had looked at about 12 different apartments some nice and some not so… uh nice. They were beginning to think it was hopeless trying to find a decent apartment on or even near the beach until this one. It was perfect, everything they were looking for, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big living room, open plan kitchen and it was. She thought “Maybe we can take a few breaks in the middle. Because I seriously can’t be fucked for 24 hours CONTINUOUSLY!.Or can I?”.An opportunity soon presented itself in the form of a business trip to Brazil. There was a case with a Millionaire who was in trouble as he was accused of money laundering and extortion, both of which were her specialty and also why she earned a shitload of money. She had to be on the court for only a half a day but the trip was for a full 5 days, and that too, in Rio de Janeiro. This made her particularly happy since Rio had many nude beaches as well as nudist colonies and it was perfect for her to find a ” mate” if you know what I mean.She left soon, arranging a babysitter for all the 5 days and leaving no responsibility behind her. She decided she was going to enjoy herself and make the best of this chance that she may never get again. How could she? When she was going to Brazil.where men were known for their strength and build.After she reached Rio,.
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