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Margo was correct, he is very good.“Some more Sarah?,” Jan asks without waiting for an answer as she tells Sarah to put her legs over her shoulders.The next day we relaxed naked on the nude beach and enjoyed flaunting our bodies for both sexes. Later in the afternoon we had a long relaxing bath together while we discussed our sexual fantasies and making some of them happen during our stay. That night with six other couples we watched another most attractive couple fucking. Simone was in her fifties, someone whispered. Mick is half her age. Both of them very attractive.When we arrived they were sitting on a leather couch with overhead lighting in the middle of dimply lit room. Simone was wearing heels, jeans and a man’s shirt with just one button fastened. You could hear a pin drop as they passionately tongue kissed before she helped him remove the blouse and he commenced licking and sucking her nipples to her obvious delight - and all those watching. “Love her tits,” Sarah whispered. ” “Oh.” I said, not really knowing what to say. He shrugged. “You asked.” “Why don’t you just tell ‘em to shove it?” Uncle Joe snorted. “By the end of the night I usually do and end up offending everyone, and then I’m the one that ends up feeling guilty.” He sighed. “Which is why, I hate these things.” “Oh.” I said a bit awkwardly, feeling a little bit sorry for him. I knew how bad our family could be when it came to material wealth and academic achievement. “Don’t get me wrong. I love them all. I just get sick of hearing the same old shit.” I nodded fully understanding what he was getting at. “What about you? I suppose you love these little family gatherings?” I shrugged indifferently. “They’re all right. So long as Terrance Junior stays away from me I don’t mind ‘em so much.” “Oh?” Joe queried. “You don’t like TJ?” I shook my head. “He’s a pig; with the manners to match and a big freakin’ mouth.” Uncle Joe chuckled and raised his sandwich at me. “To the next.
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