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It was obvious that the Blackthorn hedge had been planted deliberately to preserve privacy. There was the remains of a driveway, I could only turn in for a few yards as there was a iron gate blocking the drive. I stopped the car and got out. I could see the house quite clearly from my position.At first sight it didn't seem to be Victorian. It didn't have that look of an institution, gloomy and forbidding as most Victorian houses. Instead it could have happily fitted in any town in the American Deep South. The feature that gave it that look was the veranda that extended across the front, broken only by the three steps that led up to the front door, and round the southern side. The veranda was wide with a slated roof and a balustrade. It would have been an excellent place to sit on lazy afternoons or long warm evenings. The windows had been boarded at one time, now remnants hung haphazardly and the frames were missing leaving blank openings in the fabric of the house. The door had also. I didn't have a chance to his my caged dick. Ann said oh it's just like you said. Andrea took the cage in her hand and raised it to show Ann how the urethra tube was stretching my poor penis. Ann asked if it hurt. I said yes . She sat her purse down and pulled something from it. I know she is a nurse and figured it was something to make my pain go away. I was almost correct she pulled a syringe out and in a flashed she stabbed it into the head of my dick. I jumped and she pushed the liquid into the head. She pulled it out and again she stabbed it in a different spot. She did that six times. In a few minutes my entire penis was numb. She refilled the syringe and started shooting this batch into my testicals. When she finished my pubic area was dead. As soon as she finished Andrea took one of my balls in her hand and squeezed it hard. She was satisfied that I was numb and she unlocked the cage and pulled it off. My penis was so hard that it bobbed with each heartbeat but I couldn't.
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