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Then you kissed me, and my senses exploded. I let out a soft moan, my left hand was now grinding it’s heel between my legs with a purpose, the warmth emanating from my core escalating into an inferno, a very slight dampness darkening the cotton of my pyjama bottoms. I lifted my shaky hands to the cotton shirt I slept in, freeing each button, one by one, until to material fell apart and exposed my modest bra-less breasts to the cool morning air. I didn’t have large breasts by a long shot, no, mine were small and shapely, “a perfect handful” as my ex-boyfriend had once called them. I looked down at them, my nipples more erect than I had ever seen them before, I ran my hands along my inner thighs, rubbing them, teasing myself as the light breezes from my aroused breathes washed over my tingling nipples. I was back at the café again, our faces mashed together in needy kisses, tongues exploring each others mouths, I was letting out little aroused moans as I felt your large powerful hands. Why would I be jealous if I'm the one who gets your tight pussy whenever I want it?" he kissed me slowly as he pumped in and out of me."I was just asking, Babe." I said, breaking the kiss.We went on for about 30 minutes, and he came a lot for me. We packed our stuff up and left the room only to return tomorrow.******I have awoken from my sweet slumber because I felt fingers caress my body in the most sensual of ways. They were so powerful, yet gentle. Wild, yet tamed. Erotic as hell, to say the least. I found myself pouting with sadness when his hands left my body, but was soon pacified when his lips covered mine in a kiss so sensual. It lasted for perhaps a minute, but it felt like ages. The best of ages.He lifted me and sat me on his lap, my thighs straddling his. He continued kissing me while rubbing and holding me by the small of my back- my point of no return. I wanted nothing more than to make love to this man, which was my intention.He put his hands at the bottom of my blouse,.
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