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No wonder they call her speedy. When Aaron got home his parents weren't home since his truck was gone so he was hoping to get some alone time with Liz but then Juni showed up (Damn her). So Aaron went inside to get the fireworks and lighters.Aaron came out and set up. He said hello to Juni's mom and then asked Juni if she wanted to set some off, which she said that was okay. He had some good left-over's from the years he hadn't set off. So he used some of the noisy ones first. He set one off that was a 61 shot mortar fire, so he lit and ran. He scared all three women out of their skin when that went off and sent some over the garage where they were hiding out at. He set off several fireworks before it was time Juni left to get her sister. During the setting off of the fireworks his parents got home, so that was a buzz kill for any plans after Juni left.Aaron and Liz took his truck to take her home. Liz puller shirt up so on the way home he could play with her breasts. Aaron wanted. “And that means we already have to punish you.”“If we’re going to keep you, you have to respect us,” my Master said. He squeezed my throat. I couldn’t breathe. My eyes widened.He let go after only a moment. “Oh, pet. If only you could see how fuckable and desperate you look right now. You’d probably cum in your pants. I know you liked what you saw of my girl. And,” he inhaled in my ear, causing goosebumps to cascade across my arms, “You look just like she did. Helpless, painfully aroused, and goddamn delicious. Like a piece of meat waiting to be devoured.”I wriggled my hips, half humping the air in my desperation. I wanted it. I wanted them to ravage me. And to think that yesterday I was vanilla and straight, and considered myself a top. The horniness of not getting off in a week must have made me desperate enough to let anything get me off. But, I didn’t care. This was probably a roleplay thing and they just so happened to really like threesomes and exhibitionism. They were just as.
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