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"Get away from me!" he punched Kerem in the face. He turned back around with a split lip and pinned his weight against him and held him up by the scruff of the collar, angrily. Ben and Kerem breathed heavily with anger, lust, and passion. Ben kissed him hungrily with passion. Kerem quickly unbuttoned Ben's jeans and unzipped them and took his hard pulsating cock into his mouth and moved it up and down. Ben gasped out loud with pleasure. He couldn't believe he was getting a blow job done by another man and it was incredible. Did this mean he was gay? His body convulsed with pleasure as he came inside Kerem's mouth. Ben watched as the sexy Turkish man stood back up and began unbuttoning his own jeans and took out the biggest hard dick he'd ever seen. "Suck my dick," Kerem commanded. He was shocked at first as he glanced down at the big dick in front of him twitching at the tip. Ben got down on his hands and knees and took Kerem's dick into his mouth and moved it up and down. Kerem. Maybe they had sex slaves, but, didn’t bring them to the park today. The walk was nice, the air was crisp and the light spritz from the fountain was a welcome relief to my bare exposed skin. The leash snapped and remembering the command I instantly rolled over on my back. This time Master used the toe of his shoe to tease my clit. I smiled at the perverse feeling of his leather caressing my clit and pussy. I was behaving like a well trained a****l. He reached down and patted my head like I was his dog. Then his mouth was sucking on my nipples and making me crazy horny. I was losing all control and would cum soon if he did not quit. “Moan once if you want me to stop, twice if you want more you naughty dirty bitch”.I let out the most eerie a****l moans I had in me twice. He rocked back toward my pussy and plunged his fist deeply into my soggy cunt. Legs spread wide, I gyrated and writhed and came like the sex slave I was. My legs relaxed, I caught my breath, but, continued to convulse.
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