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I then felt fingertips caressing the small of my back. Georgia had joined us on the bed wearing black lingerie that would make anyone turn their heads. Our eyes locked and she grabbed his cock, starting to suck it eagerly. As she did, I admired her body. I caressed her round bottom, showering her cheeks with little kisses. As she and Alex shared an intimate moment of their own, I unhooked her bra. Her breasts fit perfectly into my hands, and I kneaded them until I felt her nipples grow hard. She moaned softly and pointed Alex’s cock in my direction. Taking the hint, I lowered my mouth to lick one side of his shaft while she licked the other. Our tongues met and we shared a passionate kiss with the glistening head of his cock caught in between them.“I can’t believe this is happening, both of your mouths feel fucking amazing!”Georgia leaned forward and whispered what she wanted to happen next into my ear.“Alex, close your eyes and don’t open them until we tell you to!”As he closed his. She introduced the ornate stripling to me, batting her eyes. "He's ever so brave, he says," she said, "and a member of the headquarters' company. Can you imagine?"The young man nodded at me, adjusting his tight-fitting breeches at the waist and touching the hilt of his hanger. He might have been eighteen. "Day," he said, and I quickly decided he might be worth taking for a ride."You alone, sir?" I asked diffidently."Indeed," he said, "vistin' Miss June here." Going back tonight?" I asked.He smiled. I was tempted to knock him out and drag him off and then have my way with the girl but did not want to raise an alarm and have to explain my absence as well as his so I just smiled back. The young pair left, swinging their clasped hands between them, and I went back to my plowing, not one of my favorite pastimes while I wondered if the girl was taking the simpering subaltern for a roll in the hay.When the moon rose that evening, the young Hussar bade reluctant farewell to his hosts, kissed.
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