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We’re just going to sit back and have some fun. If at any point you want to leave, you can.” I nodded and asked if I could have another drink. He said, “Sure, why don’t you help yourself. It’s right over there.” I got up to make myself another rum and coke. As I poured the rum into my glass of ice, I felt him come up behind me. He put both of his hands on my shoulders and gave them a little squeeze. And then ran his hands down my shoulder blades, down my back, and over my hips.“You are the finest piece of white ass I’ve ever seen, boy.” He whispered in my ear as he pulled me into his body. Embracing me from behind, I could feel his cock on my lower back. I’m only 5’9” and felt tiny compared to him. His hands ran under my shirt and up my torso. He quietly moaned and the kissed me on my neck. Then he whispered, “Let’s go to my room cutie.” He led me upstairs and into his massive bedroom. The furniture was Victorian and the lamps were dimmed low, making the room inviting. I was facing. She is wearing a brown skirt, a light green turtleneck sweater and flats. The skirt flatters, the turtleneck impresses and her smile is just downright contagious. This is surely not the right time and place to introduce myself, so let’s think of how to go about this in a proper way when I can be sure to have her full attention. I walked out to my car as my mind drifts back to the light green turtleneck and the body which lies beneath it. A finger subconsciously traces the outline of this very aroused man. She has absolutely no clue that a man she has never met is unzipping his pants at this very moment. Two nights later, I stop by the mall again in the hopes that a Monday evening will find the store far less crowded. No sign of her, so the tension in my brain and my pants will heighten at least one more day. One more try on Tuesday night after work and there she is, this time wearing gray pants and a gray turtleneck. Damn, this young lady fills out a sweater! I enter the store and.
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