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The latest being yesterday when she came to the door in a pair of short shorts and a barely-there bikini top. She thoroughly enjoys the man's lust-filled stares, as well as his apparent nervousness at her overt displays of sexuality.~~~I usually find her risque behavior to be quite amusing, but today she went a little too far. Sending our daughter to the door in cut-off jean shorts and a tank top with no bra underneath seemed a tad inappropriate to me. Mary just waved a hand at me, dismissing my objection. She knew something I didn't about our daughter. She adored the attention of older men. Well, she definitely had the mailman's attention, and, I had to admit, mine as well. I'm usually rather amorous, to begin with, and this forced isolation has made me even hornier. Not that I would ever act on it, but I have been looking at my little girl in a completely different light. It's wrong to stare at her in this way, my eyes lingering for too long over her womanly form. But, I could not. The CAT scan was actually a helmet of scalp probes, it would determine when and how much blood was flowing to certain key areas of the brain. Setting up his toys andtools took the rest of the evening, in fact he was positioning the last of the devices when he heard a knock at his door. Opening his door, Eric was greeted to the most amazing, cock-teasing sight he had ever seen. There stood Cassandra, Erin, Beverly, Sarah and Samantha, almost nude on his doorstep! Cassandra, the tiny knockout was wearing a short pink skirt and white tube top that barely covered her breasts. Beverly was a much taller woman than Cassandra, easily just a few inches below six feet and older, easily twenty-eight to Cassandra’s twenty. Beverly had a much more streamlined body. Short-cropped black hair barely reached her breasts, which were not overly large in Eric’s esteem. Appropriately her hips were also quite slender. She was an athletic nymph wearing a skintight blue vinyl dress. Sarah was the.
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