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She bent demurely to grab them and hand them over. Now we were ready.The ride to the city was about an hour with most of that on the interstate. For the most part it was a pretty boring ride and since I was a bit worked up from watching Nan finger herself I figured this would be as good a time as any to catch a blowjob.“Jan, slide over her and suck my cock.”She glanced quickly at the traffic around us but did as she was told. It didn’t take her long to get my pants opened and my cock freed and in a flash, she engulfed my length. I guess she figured she would try to get this over with before she put on too much of a show so she started sucking with gusto and that was fine with me. I didn’t mind the truckers who could look down into the car and enjoy the show. What I wasn’t keen on was a cop spotting us. I let myself go and with Jan’s concentrated effort I was shooting in no time at all. She sucked down every drop and when she was satisfied that she caught the last of it she came back. Bell, lets start withwhen you first struggled with your gender." Well, It started because I was abused sexually at seven years old. Thisabuse lasted two years, and at the end of it, my identity was totallyshaken. Added to the loss of my father to suicide two years earlier, andgetting as a stepfather an abusive alchoholic, and my connection tobeing a male all but totally destroyed." And then what happened?" Well, when I was thirteen, I became a christian, and was lucky enough toget involved with a conservative Christian church which help counter themessages I was getting from my environment. But sadly, my strugglescontinued." You describe in your book about a 'seemingly never-ending cycle ofindulgence followed by repentance." Yes, sadly, my struggles continued right into my forties. By that point,I had been married, had a child, but lost them because my strugglescaused me to have a breakdown." Then you decided to, as you put it 'stop struggling against my desires,and embrace them.',.
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