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She laughed against his chest before swatting him lightly with her phone. ‘You hung up on me.’ Placing his arm on her shoulders, Jamal directed Hadley into the restaurant toward the rest of the group. At the table, glasses were scattered all over and several of the guys were in debate on who was the hottest girl at the table across the way. Hadley hung her bag up on the rung under the table and laughed as Brent Hammond gave a wounded look to the other guys as they disapproved his choice. A waitress came up to the table and took the order for another round which included a martini for Hadley. Soon enough, she joined in the great debate and found herself happy she had come out for the night with the guys. **** Pulling the cell phone out of his pocket for what seemed like the fiftieth time since leaving the Cougars’ complex in Rockford, Marcus checked for a missed call. The screen was just as blank then as it was before Jamal had asked him to come out tonight. A small part of him had. ”Guy said, “Besides, I really enjoyed it. I mean ... a legal chance to beat the shit out of someone. You don’t get those kinds of opportunities every day.”“I’ve got to admit, I felt a lot better afterwards,” Selena said.The two officers exchanged glances. They had watched the tape of their attack on the two suspects. A few of the police had remarked that usually it was a tape of police beating a suspect that showed up on the television. They joked how the tables would be turned if this tape showed up on television. A few wondered if there would be the kind of outrage that would show up if police were involved with a situation like that.“The four of you nearly crossed the line. If they had dropped their weapons, you would have been in serious trouble.”Guy decided that not talking further was probably a pretty good idea. Selena was of a similar mindset and, taking the opportunity to change the subject, she said, “I’ll take you up on your offer to chase off my ex-boyfriend.”“Not that it.
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