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Despite the fact he was about to bust it all over her throat, he pushed her off of him.He grabbed his cock and bounced it a few times in his hand, trying to calm himself down. He was not ready to cum yet.“Did I say make me cum?” he asked her, raising his voice.She closed her eyes tightly and whispered, “No master.” “You have made me unhappy. Come here.”He pulled out the rope from the middle of his bathrobe. The bathrobe fell off behind him as he stood up.Heather crawled towards him, whimpering.“Lay down,” he said, sternly. Obediently, she lied down.He positioned her wrists next to a leg of the table and tied her there. He had nailed his coffee table down for this exact reason. Taking a knife from the top of the table, he gently sliced down the front of her outfit.She did not wear any panties beneath her garter belt and her waxed, beautiful pussy was exposed. He put the knife down on the ground and gave her pussy a good lick. She always tasted sweet.“Mmm!” she let out a moan. He. Mark, Susan and their families will both be here. We’re going to try to have our traditional Christmas. I do wish you a Merry Christmas.’ She gave me a big hug and even a light kiss. It dawned on me that I don’t think we had ever kissed outside of maybe, New Year’s. I didn’t say anything as she left. It was now Christmas Eve and I was home alone. After wrapping the kids and grandkids’ gifts, I poured myself a drink and sat down in frontof the Christmas tree, all decorated with the few presents under it to be open the next day. It was then I noticed that I had forgotten to give Dorothy her gift. I had went out and bought her an emerald necklace and matching earrings. I had them wrap it for me and just placed it under the tree. I sat there alone sipping my drink when I heard a knock on the door. I had to wonder who in the hell was coming by at nine o’clock at night on Christmas Eve. ‘Well, Jim, are you going to invite me in, or do I have to stand out here in the cold?’ My mouth flew.
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