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YOU. DO. NOT.” He emphasized his words by pointing a finger in to the crowd with each word. “She’s wrapped around my finger, and right now she was wishing she had more time to talk with me, wondering who it was calling me and what I’m doing right now. She also thinks I’m in to her for her and want to get to know her. Why? Because that is what I told her and set in her mind before I switched the subject and etched that thought in to her mind. I had control of the conversation before I picked up. I let it ring, I answered when I felt so, told her I wanted to see her, told her I wanted to see her, shot down her first offer of when to see me, told her when I wanted to see her and finally, I ended the conversation because my life is important and not to be tied up by just one person.” “I picked her up by following my own method of seduction. My own rulebook of getting to past her guard, under her radar and into her heart and down to her panties…. And back up to her mouth.” He said. They kissing passionately for a while until Michelle took Kelvins big black cock in her mouth again and she wanked him hard. Personally by now I was dying to fuck my wife but Kelvin just took his place and she wrapped her heeled legs around him again and I heard her call him a stud as he still hadn’t cum, they had been playing now for a good hour and a half and I knew before long that Michelle couldn’t cum anymore having had many orgasms throughout the night. She wrapped her legs around his back again as I sat at the bottom of the bed and I watched Kelvin’s Big Black Cock disappear once again into my wife’s wet hole with a gasp ! I could hear them chatting and a little naughty giggle from my wife as he fucked her and I wondered what they’d said she then commented did you hear that Steve ? I said no sorry,can you say it again to which they giggled and said it didn’t matter. Kelvin turned my wife over again and told her to fuck his cock as she slid back onto him he called her his dirty.
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