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He said that that their bestselling range was the self-produced videos the company made and they were available in shops as DVDS or through a website as a download. He started to play the first film and it was a couple about our age going through the same questions as we had, in the same room. . We watched about a minute and then he said: I probably shouldn’t show you anymore until I ask my next set of questions. He asked if we liked watching pornography. I said yes, my wife said no. He then asked us do we think every body type should be in porn movies rather than sexy stick like women and men with muscles and large cocks. We both said yes. He then asked us if we had every made a film of ourselves making love. I said I had wanted to but she said she didn’t have the body for it. He then said he would like to pay us £1000 if he could film us then and there. I got up and said I don’t think so, but to my surprise my wife said she would like to talk to me first. The two guys moved away. There was another interdimensional veil that ledfrom Gomorrah's chamber into Cum Slut's own chamber. It wasn't as big, andit was still forming. Yesterday it was still missing a wall, one couldwalk off and dive into time and space. She had to order her own harem tonot go near it. Though her four in her harem were more than happy to liveand service her there anyways. Gomorrah had watched as she took them allat once for the first time, he smiled, remembering his own first timedrowning himself in his own harem. Indeed, because of her indenturedservitude, she had participated in a few of Gomorrah's own orgies in hischamber. She loved it almost the same, all those mouths and the scent ofother women spurning her into a competitive heat. She fought with herbody, being as sexy and enticing as possible in order to be taken by hermaster's demonic dong. All those hands and tongues writhing and causingher to orgasm as they all wanted to make each other sated so that theycould have the pleasure of.
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