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While Courtney was writing and practicing her songs, Darryl was taking pictures of her, and once again, just like years ago, she was his ideal subject. Despite dire concerns, Darryl found Jaclyn easy to work with; she just wanted results, and as long as she got them, she delivered on her promise of creative and artistic control. Working with Courtney as his subject, Darryl found it easy to be innovative and creative. His work was soon the talk of the industry. It had a timeless quality at heart, with a warmth and charm that reflected Courtney's singing style. It was a refreshing change from the highly stylized cover art in current vogue, and the public seemed to be ready for the change. Poster sales, the best indicator, since these are bought for image alone, were off the chart.One particularly fine morning, Courtney was sitting by the lake in her favorite wooden recliner, her preferred place for writing. Having Darryl with her somehow let the ideas flow freer than ever. He was also. It’s a hot passionate kiss, her hands roam up my back and I hold her in place with mine. We eventually break the kiss. “That certainly helps” I joke.“I’m not the jealous type but I’ve wanted to kiss you for a while now. You’re so sweet and charming, funny and not to mention handsome.”“I can’t say I haven’t wanted to kiss you. You act all sweet and innocent.”“I’m not as innocent as you think I am!”“Oh really?”“Yes really, let me show you!”She pulls me by the shirt, locking lips again. Our hot heavy kissing is getting me hard. Her hand now roams down my front and finds my bulging crotch. She groans into our kiss and she squeezes it in her small hands. “I want this cock” she whispers as she leads me over to a small table. We kiss again and I lift her up onto the table. Our crotches rub against each other. My hands still on her hips pulling her into me. “Fuck me Robbie” she pleads. That innocent feel about her was gone with those words. She fumbles at her apron pulling it off, quickly.
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