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The top was the deep red velvet with a panel of, I thought, sheer black silk in a thin V sewn from her throat to her waist, revealing her cleavage subtly. The sleeves, made from the same fabric as the central panel, extended to her elbows. The skirt of the dress mirrored the top, with another inverted V of sheer black stitched with its point a few inches below her crotch to the hem at her shins. The two silk panels were like arrows, pointing directly at her sex. Her feet were clad in black velvet slippers. The whole impression was one of sumptuous, erotic warmth. But, there you go, that’s how my mind works.It was a disappointment when she told me she had to go. “Will you be here again?”A shiver ran down my arm when she touched it and said, “If you wear that dress, I promise to be.”I watched her as she walked to the door. She turned and said, “Call me.” Before I could ask her for her number, she’d gone. So how the fuck was I supposed to call her. What a bitch. How could she tease me. "See you!" she whispered, and I nodded, whispering back: "Give me half an hour!"Entering the supply room, I thought to myself, this is so crazy to still be doing all this at my age, but I have never been able to deny my darling pussy her needs, she has always come first! When the two young women finally came in, they were immediately all over me. Emily started kissing me passionately, her hands kneading at my appreciative tits, meanwhile her friend had got behind me, and hiked up my dress, and was rolling down my panties. Then Emily pulled my dress up off over my head, and I was completely naked for these two horny little sex-pots.Then they both knelt down, Emily in front and Jerri behind me, and Emily started licking at my pussy, while Jerri started licking my ass. I moaned as I felt Emily's tongue exploring my wet pussy, as she opened me up with the tips of her fingers to lick my inner lips, and began to tantalize my swollen clitoris with her tongue. Then she put her teeth around my.
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