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“Mulch.”“Yes, sir.”Alvina jumped as Mulch popped out from nowhere. Even Vix was surprised by the goblin’s ability to hide in his pink dress.“Lead a charge at the kobold’s flanks.”“Yes, sir.”It was good to know his goblins were still loyal.Alvina smiled. “See, I told you so.”“What did you tell me?”“Not you. Them.”Two women came into view. One he didn’t recognize. The other he knew to be Leyla.“What is this?” Vix said.“Proof of your character,” Leyla said. “I wouldn’t have done the same.”“I’ve been here since his imprisonment. I didn’t know that other goblins were hiding around, but no others visited him. He clearly could have escaped and didn’t plan this show of good faith,” Dara.“Release him,” Leyla said.Dara got her keys and opened Vix’s cell.“Thanks, but even if you tell others the truth, nobody will believe it.”“Don’t be so sure,” Dara said. “I have protected the most important people in town. My credibility will be of use.”“And the armies? They are the ones you really need to. The door closed gently behind them and he lifted her hand to his lips and gazed into her eyes. “Welcome to my home” he whispered, a faint tremble in his voice detectable as he softly kissed her hand. His kiss was repeated for what seemed like an eternity along her arm and all the way to that soft sensitive spot behind ear. He hugged her briefly before pulling away and explaining where the bathroom was for her to freshen up. Her heart fell a little as her expectations were dashed for the moment at least, she was expecting him, no wanting him, to take her passionately such was her building desire, now she was cooling and confused.He hurried to the kitchen to poor himself a cool drink, hell fire he though, she did things to him he could not explain, he so wanted to take her there and then. Gulping down the cooling liquid he praised himself for his unbelievable restraint, he had wanted to show her how much he respected her, but he had almost lost it the moment they disappeared from the.
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