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Finally, Lukehollered for me to come out of the pantry and meet them in the recreationroom. When I got there they were sitting on the couch, intimately closetogether. All they had on were short toweling robes. Tyra's deepcleavage and full shapely thighs were well shown off."So," Luke said, all seriousness, "you intentionally ignored half of yourkitchen chores, and then didn't clothespin my shorts the right way onpurpose. True?"Of course, he was wrong in both cases but I wasn't about to tell himthat. Luke is much taller than me, has the weight advantage, andpossesses impressive muscles in all the places where I am so soft.So instead of contradicting him I just said, in my sissy-whisper voice,"I guess I did." You guess right." He sprang to his feet. "So for starters, you earnedyourself a good hard spanking."He grabbed me by my slender upper arm and dragged me in front of Tyra.She sat there smirking. Her boyfriend told me to apologize, which I didprofusely. Then he hoisted me. ’ ‘I’ll slug your miserable butt….’ ‘Girls!’ shouted Joe, ‘is this a house for people or for mules? Stop it now, get dressed and get ready!’ ‘Yes, father,’ replied fifteen-year-old Naomi, in her best dutiful-daughter voice. ‘Daddy, she’s such a pig,’ whined twelve-year-old Nicky, ‘you gotta do something about her, she always tortures me….’ ‘I’ll sell you both and buy a new truck, if you don’t calm down.’ It was an old threat, and only provoked laughter. ‘Girls,’ said Eve, ‘get ready and come and help me.’ Buttoned and zipped to the nostrils, the Burbon women walked to the cowbarn on the old farm Joe and Eve bought for unpaid taxes twenty years ago. Eve was the eighteen-year-old high school dropout and runaway, and Joe was the plodding younger brother with a day laborer’s job. But with love and sweat they built this farm and this home. The smell caused Eve to shudder. Even though she had intentionally avoided even her morning cup of coffee ever since her period didn’t happen (and she.
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