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James began to thrust, long and slow strokes, his large shaft appearing then slowly sliding back into her welcoming depths. His pink shaft glistened from her dew, and his massive balls slapped against her upturned bottom. The girl reached and took one of James’s hands and put in her breast. He bent over her, his fingers tightening over the firm globe. His thrusts quickened slightly. He pulled her torso upwards a bit, one hand still covering her breast, the other reaching for the bright red “V” of her mound. I could see him sliding in and out of her wet hole even as he fingered her clit gently. I heard her soft cry of joy, muffled through the glass of the window. She turned her head, and James met her with a long tonguing kiss. The she bent again, her head resting on her arms on the cushion of the chair. James grasped her firm round buttocks. He was thrusting hard and fast now, and the girl was rocking on her feet back to meet his every stroke. I suddenly realized my own thighs were. If you're very very still, Daddy will give you a wonderful treat."He puts down a towel and starts to trim that tiny little tuft of red hair between her legs. Gently then he lays some shaving gel over her and starts to shave her? so slowly- she barely breaths... too afraid of getting cut. The cold blade of the razor eases over her hot pussy lips and she whimpers again, shutting her eyes. Finding something so soothing about this. Once he's got her clean and smooth he takes a warm washcloth from a basin of water and mops her up. Taking the towel out from under her he inspects his work. Getting down between her legs for a close inspection. He looks up at her and smiles, landing a kiss on her tummy, one hand on her inner thigh. He purrs warmly."Good girl. Such a good girl... you should see how pretty you look with your new hair cut. Now I'm going to give you a present baby. It's going to be similar to your usual inspection where I make sure you're still Daddy's little virgin, but it will.
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