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You reached down to cup my ass as our tongues duelled back and forth. I pulled back to catch my breath and realized where we were. I gave you one last kiss before turning around to enjoy the show again. I elbowed you in the stomach. “Okay ouch Kali… that hurt. What was that for?” you exclaimed. “That’s her! That’s the girl from this afternoon,” I said franticly as I pointed to the blonde swaying her hips to the music. “Lets go talk to her!” I said excitedly. You shrugged your shoulders going along with it to keep me happy. I tapped on the blondes shoulder; she jumped startled before turning around. Her jaw dropped when she saw who the people behind her were. “Hi, my name's Kali. What’s your name?” She stammered a little before blurting out, “Emma.” I invited her back to our camper for a beer when the concert was done. She accepted. I sat down at the dinning room table and patted the seat next to me, inviting Em to sit next to me while you went to grab us some beers. It was not. Suntm cu totii ametiti, dar fetele parca sunt mai luate in freza. Glumim, radem. La un moment dat Florin ne spune pe un ton mai serios: - V-am spus ca noi avem ceva experienta swing. Stim ca pentru voi este putin mai greu acum, la inceput. se vede ca sunteti putin stresati, iar Marius parca si putin gelos. Asa e, Marius? Inclin din cap intr-o parte si in alta: - Putin. Florin continua: - Nu trebuie sa ne facem prea multe probleme; fiecare isi iubeste partenerul; asta nu este decat un joc, suntem impreuna ca sa ne simtim bine, atat. Este un joc intre prieteni, daca vreti. E normal sa fim bucurosi de noile noastre jucarii, dar ele nu vor lua locul unei relatii solide. Sincer, imi place Alina, este sexy, dar o iubesc pe Cristina. Alina ma asigura ca asa este. Florin incheie: - Ce ar fi sa ne relaxam, sa lasam petrecerea sa curga de la sine si sa ne bucuram de ea pe deplin? Eu adaug: - Fiind la inceput ar fi bine sa nu ne luati cu ceva prea hard si mai vedem noi in timp... Ridicam.
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