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His mind was all over the place. To make matters worse when he pulled up at the Zebra crossing he spotted Jeff going into the newsagents. He was glad that Jeff hadn’t seen him. He sat at his desk shuffling papers from one pile to another. It gave the semblance of working but he wasn’t really in a fit state to work. All he could think about was Jeff fucking Julie. He looked up at the clock on his wall; it said 9:15am. ‘They would be at it by now’ he thought. Jeff would be getting deep down and dirty. He gave his papers another shuffle and looked up again; it was 9:20am. ‘I bet he’s inside her now’ he said to himself. A phone call from a customer took his mind off them for a few minutes and another call a few minutes later took him away from his desk and to the factory floor. By the time he got back to his desk it was 10.00am. His mind had just started to switch back to Jeff and Julie when his mobile phone rang. It was Julie. “Hi darling,” she said, “can you speak freely?” “Yes.. All black of course. Denise is already on her way down and……….. Oh hell, I forgot to tell you dear readers about my Denise. Denise. Sweet Denise. She is my lover, helper and maid. Some of one more of the other. She’s in her mid forties, five foot nothing, maybe a size six with forty two double D boobs and Long straight jet black hair down to her ass. Ah her ass, oh my god. Hers was an absolutely perfect ten ass. The kind of ass so many black women had. Actually hired as a maid, she “helps me” with my clients. Loyal beyond all else she has been with me for about 4 years. Not really my girl friend, although she lived with me. She pretty much led a double life that I knew little of, but you’ll learn more about Denise as the story progresses. Taking the stairs down I am able to sneak up behind Francesca. Denise is already sitting on the couch and engaging her in idle chatter and on my cue, raising both fingers in a V sign prepares for the fun. Just as I am reaching to grab.
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