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I was done with my washing soon enough but I just couldn't find a good reason to get out. There is a fair chance I would be there still if the Preston borough water department had not suddenly failed. There was a sudden drop off in water pressure followed by a loud creaking noise, which I knew indicated failure. I managed to shut off the valves before the brown stuff started spraying but it was a close thing. Slightly shaking from my sudden disappointment, I went to the sink to see if it was just a failed shower pipe, no such luck. The first luxury of civilization had failed, and I had no idea how long the rest would hold out.A padded myself dry and wrapped the towel around me, first I did it around my waist like I had done every day of my life, and then above my breasts as my change in circumstance made itself known again. I also made a discovery in that bathroom, with the glasses removed and the frumpy attire gone, with that towel wrapped around my slim body and voluptuous yet,. So drop your pants and take it, boy! ...", he commanded.He loosened his grip of my hips for a second. And I took it to free myself from his onslaught. Nearly stumbling over my own two feet as I scrambled to get away from him. He made a dirty chuckle and took the mail from his box. Halfway up the stairs I stopped and looked at him in awe for a moment. I could clearly see the huge stiff cock and the well-defined cockhead in his pants. He caught me looking and laughed meanly, grabbing his crotch. Stroking the full length of the shaft. Showing off all he had on offer. Making the outline of his manhood even more visible."See, I knew you wanted it! ... Get back down here and blow me! ... Don't make me come up there, boy! ... ", he shouted at me, whilst I made a hasty retreat to my apartment. Before I unlocked my door I took a quick look to see if he had followed me. And I caught myself wondering, what-if? ... He actually intrigued me. My girlfriend and I broke up a few weeks earlier. Not.
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