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I felt his hand around my back, and he put his lips on mine. He kissed me. For few seconds I responded to his kiss; I kissed him back, but when I realized what I was doing, I pushed him away. We kept quite, and I couldn’t face him. My step-son had just kissed me, and I had kissed him back. “I’m going to sleep,” I said slowly not looking at him, and took a step towards my room. “Mom,” James said grabbing my hand. “James, please, this is not right,” I said. “I love you Mom. You are the only woman in my life, and I love you not just as my mom, but as the most beautiful and hot woman I have seen in my life,” James finally confessed that he found me hot. “James leave my hand, and go to your room,” I said in a strict manner. I guess I wasn’t strict enough because James didn’t loose my hand. He came closer to me, and hugged me from behind. His one hand was around my stomach, and one was around my breast. I had never thought anything dirty about my step-son, I had sometimes noticed his fine. ” Selina caught herself, and put a hand over her mouth. She blushed and continued, “I guess some of Dad did rub off on me.”“It sounds like you and your Dad are close,” Tom observed.Selina nodded. “We are, he was really sad when I left for college, but now he’s used to it. I still call him every week though. He will be really interested to hear about how I helped you today.”“What does he think about magic?” Tom asked.“Ooh,” Selina said. “Are you a believer now?”Tom hastily replied, “No, I was just curious.”“Dad’s a skeptic, like you. But shouldn’t today have convinced you?” Selina asked.“How do you figure?”“Well, your car broke down, and then it rained when you got to school, and you would have gotten wet on the way home too, if not for me,” Selina proclaimed.“That’s just confirmation bias,” Tom replied. “Which you would have known if you wrote your essay the right way.”“But-” Selina started.A loud tune began to play from Tom’s pocket and interrupted their conversation. Tom reached.
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