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When got there I asked her, “What do you think?” “He’s nice,” she replied, “He’s smart, funny, artsy… I like him.”“But do you want to have sex with him?” I asked.“I don’t know,” she said, “It is weird to think about that. He’d make a good friend to call up and hang out with. But sex…”“Sex doesn’t have to mean love or commitment. It can just be fun. Besides, sex with him is really just a new way for us to have sex with each other, something for us to share.” Mave was quiet for what seemed like a long time. Finally she agreed. I kissed gently and hugged her close. “Only as much as you want, O.K.? Your word is law.” She nodded and we went back to the table.Once we sat down I said to Lupe, “I guess we should talk about why we’re here. You seem like a nice guy. You’re interesting and fun to hang out with. So Mave and I agreed that we would like to go through with this. Do you want to come home with us?”Lupe actually looked a little spooked when I said that. It was kind of cute. He agreed.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The food was ready and just keeping warm, so we sat down to start what looked like a veritable banquet, starting with Dee insisting we all held hands and said a prayer for the food. Afterward, she joked that you can take the girl out of Georgia, but you can’t take Georgia out of the girl, her southern accent having a surprising effect on me and reminding me of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind.As we started eating, Luther was the perfect host, focusing the conversation on Jill and me, our family, jobs and history and all that kind of stuff. After a while, it felt only polite to focus a little of the light back on him and Dee, especially as the more they talked, the more it was obvious they’d both lived very interesting and often challenging lives.From the party where we’d met them, we already knew that Dee and Luther had met while she was a dancer at one of Luther’s clubs, and as we talked more details came out about her early life.
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