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Had she spoken to Conrad? My heart started a quick hammering. She didn’t seem all that amused with my attempts to blow off her offer. “It’s one night,” she said finally. “Go get dressed. Put on something sexy. The limo will be here at 8pm.” She didn’t give me any opportunity to disagree with her; she was already walking off to her bedroom. “Don’t disappoint me, Alison”, she called before she shut the door. I swallowed hard. It’s not that I hadn’t accompanied Liana to these kinds of jet-set parties before. But I had been avoiding her since my fall out with Seth. I wasn’t prepared to throw away a long-term relationship over my curiosity about her lifestyle. And yet, he was out of town that weekend. I felt that same sense of intrigue prickle the back of my neck, as my conscience quickly worked overtime to spin my desires into something that resembled logical reasoning. In this case, perhaps the smartest thing would be to go, so I could see once and for all, what a vapid, shallow, seedy. “Sure!” Ashley replied. Watching Owen and Amber had made Austin’s cock stand straight at attention, and the tent in his pants was immediately noticeable from anywhere in the room. Ashley faced her boyfriend and grasped his dick through his pants. She got on her tiptoes and pushed his dick under her crotch, and Austin immediately felt her wetness soaking through her short shorts and the cloth of his sweatpants. Soon Austin could feel the liquid dripping off his dick and down his legs. Ashley clasped her arms around his neck and started rubbing her pussy along the top of his shaft in time with the music. Austin grabbed her ass with both hands and started to thrust his hips forward in sync with her. Ashley must have been trying to outdo Amber’s dancing, because she picked up the pace very quickly. Austin was getting very hot and wanted nothing more than to fuck the shit out of his girlfriend right there, but decided against it to preserve what little class this party had left.Austin.
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