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Partially, it was male pride. I knew I planned to be seen with them in public when they showed. I liked the idea of other men and women looking at us and knowing I had three gorgeous females, each with a gold ring on her thumb, pregnant by me at the same time.Being pregnant together and giving birth at approximately the same time would bond them together which was another goal of mine. I planned for all of them to nurse all the children, building a mother-child bond with each of them with each child, not just the one they brought into this world. Of course, I planned to make sure there was plenty of fresh milk for me.I was not concerned about having someone to fuck while they were in their sexual inactivity times. I still had all those other kittens to try out.Except for throwing away Lisa’s pills, that was a fairly typical day for us in early January. The four of us spent a lot of time together, in bed and out. We skied and fucked, then talked and fucked, and then slept and fucked.. He’ll work himself to death in order to right some wrong. I know that he’s come close to that in the past.”“When?”“Have you been with him to an IRS office?” asked Ling as she stopped to look at Howard. The look on his face told her the answer.“Yes. The trips are complete agony for him,” replied Howard. He had seen how hard Ed worked. It hurt to be around him when he went through the files that contained lies.“He went through the files in New York City one year. He tried to get through the entire office in one week. Every night, he collapsed and had to be carried back to the hotel. He would have killed himself to clear up every case they had, if it had been necessary.”“Wow.”“Yes, wow. When you find your service to the Gods and Goddesses, I’m sure that it will be the same for you. Even if you aren’t called, you’ve learned much greater focus than most people can even imagine,” replied Ling as she resumed walking to catch up with the three men.Howard walked faster to keep up with her and.
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