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I could picture this lucky bastard right now on top of Ana; holding her legs apart and pounding her soft wet swollen cunt real hard and fast; with no mercy at all…The way my wife was hollering his name, let me know he was hitting her right spots.I pulled the pillow and covers off my head and turned over to face the window. A while later the alarm sounded clearly and I then climbed out of the bed. I paid attention; there was no any noise coming from the main bedroom anymore. Sunlight started to enter through the window, driving away the remains of the night.After shaving and having a warm shower, I pictured some images of my sexy wife getting pounded in such a wild manner; so I masturbated to those images.I was almost done making breakfast when I heard my wife and her lover coming down the stairs. Anita was wearing her night robe and had her arm around his waist while he was dressed in his work clothes. They came and joined me in the kitchen and I presented them some breakfast.I. I just joked with her about Cheryl being all I could handle, but I didn't ask her to remove her hand. I also knew - vaguely - that if Cheryl caught us like this I was dead meat. But how do you turn down a nice hand job from a pretty stranger in - pretty much - public? My mind was getting even hazier, and I was beginning to drift pleasantly and all I really wanted to do was go to bed and fuck Stephy until I blew my load and then sleep. But suddenly we were heading in to the house. Apparently everyone was being called to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner. I was amazed at the spread of food on the table. It looked like one of those Rockwell paintings. There were two huge Turkeys a big ham and so many side dishes my confused mind couldn't even take it all in. I was sitting by Cheryl. I looked guiltily around for Stephy but couldn't see her. But even though only a few moments ago I had been thinking about fuck her brains out I was so distracted by my a sudden hunger that I almost forgot.
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