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Interestingly, there were no caddies! This suggested that there was to be some conversation which they wanted to keep private.There was the usual banter during the first three holes, but then the conversation turned serious. It seemed that Hawthorn planned to build some apartments for low-income (aka colored) renters in a section of Atlanta which was "controlled" by organized crime. The crime lords would allow Hawthorn to build his apartments, but he had to pay a percentage of the gross to them as a "tax" for doing business in their area. Otherwise, the plan was canceled on the order of the national crime syndicate.Hawthorn appeared to mull over this threat for a couple of holes; we could tell that he had stopped concentrating on golf by the way his score skyrocketed. There was no need to read his mind to see his determination mount to resist the pressure from the criminals. He decided to play along and asked how much this "tax" would be. He nearly fainted when the rate was set at. ’ ‘Wow, that sucks,’ he said. ‘Even with the few possessions that I have, I can’t imagine losing everything I own.’ ‘The water was up to the second story of the building where I lived,’ she said looking up at the second floor windows of the house. The water was contaminated with home heating oil and raw sewage.’ Reliving it again by talking about it, she had a look of sadness on her face as if it had just happened. ‘Well, there’s no water here. I’m pretty far from the river and on a hill. You’re safe from the water. If you want to worry about something, worry about being incinerated in a nuclear explosion,’ he said with a laugh. ‘Three Mile Island is right there,’ he said pointing to the smoke stacks. ‘The experts say that the nuclear plant can withstand a plane crashing into it but that’s what they said about the Twin Towers too. I don’t put much stock into what experts say about anything after seeing so many retired generals on CNN giving their biased opinions based about what.
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