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..one whim I had only met once...and fucked him...and now with one man I had never met. I felt vulnerable, I felt like I was turning them on...and it was making me very hit. I held my dick and stroked it slowly with my right hand...my left hand went behind me and started to massage my anus...I got down on my knees and between Frank's legs...I began to kiss his groin taking his hand and moving it to my hole. I began to rub Joseph's crotch. "Come on," I said, "let's lay on the bed and I will see if I can make you both feel good and happy that you are here." They both laid down on the bed and I took their dicks out and took turns sucking them...they were soon out of their clothes. I was blowing Joseph...taking him in my mouth and thinking of how wonderful his dick felt. Frank got behind me and started licking me...it felt so good...he then started to finger my ass.Joseph had to keep stopping me because he would get close to cumming and he wanted it to last. Frank started to fuck. That is when a tall woman who looked like a librarian stood up and said she would take me. "Marie, but you have never.." Helen said. "I think this can be my first." Marie said as we walked off to the bedroom. She closed the door behind me and turned and unbuttoned her sun dress and lifted it over her head revealing some small tits that were no more than a slight mound with big nipples on top. She had reddish brown hair put in a bun on top of her head. Small glasses, and a flat tummy. Long legs leading to her dark bush that was not too hairy, her lips hung down. She had a nice ass for age. "I have been in this group for some time now and this is the first time I have done this." Marie said as she started to undress me. "I have never done this before either." I said feeling awkward. Marie smiled and pulled my pants off. My cock was hard as nails. She had me lay on my back on the bed and she got on the bed next to me. Marie started to play with my cock and kiss me. She must have been.
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