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Nick grinned happily at her. "Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Richard the Lionheart?" And known as Alf, Bill or Dick," Diana retorted."Well that's those out of the way. Just wanted to clear your mind a bit."Diana dipped him a curtsey and stuck the tip of her tongue out at him.The family laughed and that conversation stopped for the time being but it cropped up again as Hal and Diana were getting ready for bed."Have you got any names in mind," Hal asked.Diana shook her head. "Your wretched father! All I can think of are his crackpot suggestions and Tom, Dick and Harry."Hal chuckled. "Well, let's drop it for the moment and both of us ponder over the next few days. Anyway, I've got more important things on my mind." I bet you have. One track mind!" She nestled up against him.Over the next few days each would suggest a name or two and Diana listed them. They ended up with Hugo (goes well with deLaix but a bit pretentious, Hal), Robin (bit twee, Diana), Edward (Diana was. She'd obviously sent the guy back here to steal back the pistols. Unfortunately for him, I was an overly cautious man. They should have known I would be given the fact that the landlord had told me that Miranda had picked out the two rooms. Now the guy was dead and I needed to get rid of him."So what do we do now?" Felicity asked in a low voice, her eyes fixed on the dead body. In her hand she was still holding the pistol that she'd pulled out from under her pillow. The pistol was hanging loosely in her hands, dangling by her side."Hog food," I replied coldly."What?" gasped Felicity, going wide eyed in response to my retort."Well we don't have too many options here," I responded. "Unless the bastards from the other Earth get their act in gear and reclaim this guy, I'm going to have to get Rory to help me get rid of him. Maybe the landlord will know of a good hog farm outside the city walls. I'm sure that the hogs will appreciate a late night snack." Charles," Felicity started to.
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