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After I'd stretched out luxuriously she straightened up and her glance moved slowly over my body. "What a shame," she said. "But you'll be good as new. This will warm you up outside. I'll get something to warm you up inside."The moment she'd left the bathroom I closed my eyes and let the warmth of the water work its therapy. Thank God, for Nancy. Thank God for all Nancy's.Somehow she always managed to turn up whenever I really needed her. Whether I needed her encouragement, her companionship, or her sex, she seemed to be there just at the right time. She didn't have to. After a couple of years of marriage we'd gotten a divorce.We'd had a great sexual relationship while we'd been married. In fact, we'd gotten along very well in every respect. Except one. Nancy just couldn't wait the years that it was taking for me to get my law degree. For her, life was too short. It was enjoyed now, not tomorrow. And so the divorce.It had been a divorce without anger, without recriminations. Ever. Ow." Gaaa that feels good." She said gently pushing my head away."We have to get up and get ready Tony."I could tell Kari was excited, by the way she pranced off to her shower, picking her drink up as she went."Oh Hon!" She called me into the bath. She looked delicious standing there nude, peaking from behind the shower curtain, with her fresh sun and tan lines."'Do Fantasy Rules' apply tonight." She asked."Tonight?" "Why?" I asked."Well, you know. We've never had a real 'Fantasy Rule Night' when we were around anyone we knew, and you know. Hunter is with us and all." She said.I thought for a second. This was getting to be fun. "All 'Fantasy Rules' apply! You can do what ever you want, but you have to be a sexy date for him and you have to turn him on."Reeealllly?" She asked."Isn't Hunter one of the men that you fantasize about making love to?" I asked."Well, you should enjoy the night even more." I said."I do not want him to think you're coming on to him though. I just want him to.
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