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?Fuck me.? Ask nicely.?Please??With sugar on top?Without warning he rammed the entire length of his cock deep inside of me, hurting me, filling me with delicious pain as the head of his cock bumped my cervix. Light flashed behind my eyelids and I couldn’t breath. My fingers splayed wide beneath his and dug into the carpet. I made a sound like an animal?pain & pleasure overwhelming me. ?FUCK?YESSSS.? I drove my hips upwards to meet his thrusts. I couldn’t think, couldn’t think?clearly.You don’t have to think. ?Oh?? Fuck.?My?? God, God, God...?God?? Fuck, yeah.My words escaping with each thrust. He was fucking me hard, so hard. You’re cock feels soooo good?His hand in my hair, tangled in my hair. Pulling. His hands still covering mine. My pussy throbbing. His thrusts brutal.Soooo big??You dirty fucking slut.? between gritted teeth.Yes. I’m a slut? your slut.?..ahh..god...YESSS! Fuck this slut’s pussy??Hard. Like that. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.?You’re gonna pay for. But sometimes his hands would kinda wander." Mika touched her chest, "To here", and her thighs, "and here. I didn't really understand, but suddenly he would get up and go to the bathroom. I did notice that the front of his pants stuck out and girls had sorta told me about that. It didn't occur to me that I might have been the cause." When did you find out?"Mika ran her fingers through her short blonde hair, fluffed a pillow and leaned back against the bed. "About three years ago, when went to stay at Dad's brother's house in the country. He has a big place and they have a few horses. Anyway, my cousin used to take me ridding and sometimes we'd just play in the barn. He's about four years older than me."Carey flopped back on the bed with her legs still hanging over the side, "Go ahead, tell me more." One day we were in the barn, up on the loft, and he said he'd give me five bucks to unzip my shorts and show him my panties. So I figured 'what the heck' and I did it. Then he said he'd.
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