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My pussy was aching for a real hard cock. And I still had the thick butt plug inserted very deeply in my now stretched asshole…I tried to start doing my workout routine; but I could not focus on it. My mind was just recalling this huge black piece of meat throbbing and making Tammy cry in both pain and pleasure…I could not continue; I just needed to be fucked…Dashing back to the Locker Room and not finding Gary there, I thought escaping from there without anyone knowing.....But then I crossed Gary’s path. He was going to the showers and he had a small towel wrapped around his waist. I could notice his Dominant black cock clearly visible beneath the small towel.He smiled at me, saying I was in a wrong place, since we were in the men’s locker.I told him I just decided that I did not feel like working out, so I was going to take a nice shower.Gary stared at my toned body and then he moved closer to me. I felt his body heat and could smell his scent. I got mesmerized again.Then he. “My darling girl,” she whispered, “My sweet baby girl. I love you and want you… Oh my God Lola, I’m so fucking horny… Suckle my big fat titties my baby sweet, suckle them so sweet… Oh fuck… now use the vibrator on me baby girl…”She turned on the vibrator, put it in my hand and sucked it, then guided it to her cunt. I slid it in and out as I suckled her nipple, sliding it over her clitty, sucking it, loving it, loving her. She came again, louder than before, and closed her legs tight around my hand. Then she kissed me again.“I want you,” she panted, “But we can’t fuck baby, I’d love you to spunk up my cunt but it’s too dangerous, so I want you to do something even better…”With that she rolled over, slipped a pillow under her hips and wriggled her ass as I had wriggled mine at Rogers and Mr Vernon. Then she reached out and touched my cock, poking from under my sissy dress.“Fuck me in the ass sweet baby sissy,” she whispered. “I want to feel your hot spunk spurting up my slippery fucking.
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