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“Why are you covering your mouth?” I asked curiously while pushing in and out of her pussy. While moaning harder as I fuck her harder, she said in a shivering voice, “I am your mother, and I can’t enjoy or get any pleasure out of this, since this is strictly educational.” I began to get a little bored at just thrusting my mother’s pussy, but don’t get me wrong, the pleasure was heavenly speechless. However, something is missing, that’s right, I wanted to feel a woman’s breasts. And as I am still thinking to myself, I slowly move my hands up from my mother’s hips to her breasts as I thrust my dick harder in and out. And as my two hands on her breasts were about to try and squeeze them, my mother took her hand from her mouth and slap both of my hands away from her breasts. “Don’t touch my breasts son, I am not your wife and you are not making love to me, I am your mother. This is just sex. So keep doing what you are doing right now” she said in a cracked shivering voice while moaning.. As I have a double bed in my room.My aunt said to me she does not want to sleep over matters as she has a back pain and she sleeps on the floor and my cousin sister sleep in bed with me I switch off the light lay on the bed and got sleep early as being tired.After 2 hours I feel something on my chest I woke up and saw this her hand and she rubs her hand over my chest. She does not know as am not in sleeping. After some time she comes to close me and start kissing on my face then liplock with me that time am totally confused what is happened with me this going continue 20 minutes and am not react to this.Next day I got up in morning and I saw she is not in the room she wakes up early in the morning and leaves my room. I saw around my home but I can’t find her then I take a bath and then ask my mother for breakfast to my surprise she come to give me a breakfast and I saw something naughty in her eyes she gives me breakfast and leaves a room I noticed her giving me a smile.Then I got.
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