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Deliciously firm, but with a slight yield as she gripped inside. The hand which had been holding his cock now moved up to slide along her clit as he began to slowly thrust deeper inside her of his own accord. He wasn't long enough to really stretch her depths, but he was more than thick enough to set her insides glowing with a warm pressure as his pace quickened. Without thinking, her flickering fingers kept pace as he thrust faster: seeming to approach his own climax as his groans shifted to grunts, and his long, slow thrusts become more urgent.Sulphurette's hand blurred as she could feel her own orgasm fast approaching. Reaching out with her other hand, she dug her fingers into his lower back, pulling him deep inside her, and holding him fast. Another second, and her buzzing clit set fire to her entire pelvis as wave after wave of delightful spasms rolled through her.***The man was lost in the mounting tide of urgent need. He could feel the growing electric excitement in. I was right because then I heard her feet clopping away from me across the room and some sort of closet opening.And that pretty much where this story began."Now that your hands are cuffed behind your back, are you ready for me to remove your mask and start having some fun with me?" she asked.My anticipation had gotten the best of me, 'cause I immediately started nodding my head yes like an eager little schoolboy getting ready to receive some candy. I could not wait to cum in this bitches mouth while she thought I was getting more pleasure being blown while tied up then I would if I was skull fucking her!I then heard her walking towards me with a presence of someone that had the exquisite grace of one who might be a king or queen. She stopped right in front of where I was sitting and I could smell the leather that she must of just put on. It smelled really good. I could even feel the warmth of her body. She then firmly grasped my chin with one hand and the end of the nylon stocking.
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