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She hoped it would be a ton of guys, all with a hard cocks ready to fill her up. "I'm sorry Stace, I was just imagining how awful that must have been like for you." It took all her willpower to get that lie out of her mouth without sounding insincere. That last thing Olivia wanted right now was to lose her best friend at such a vulnerable time. Her partner in crime seemed to be backing out, exit stage left in a big damn hurry."It was Liv. Well... , it didn't start out horrible, but it certainly ended terribly," Stacy said as she sat upright, no longer lying on her side. "So what do you think I should do?" Stacy asked again."I'm not sure Stace," Olivia said, feeling her pussy leaking into her panties. "Carl can be pretty persuasive, plus we need him for all the stuff he provides. Maybe you should tell him they need to take it easier on you next time." The thought of telling her best friend she should stop having sex was something she just couldn't do, the Queen wouldn't allow it, plus. What're you doing here?" She was still recovering from her orgasm, but managed to keep her sentances steady."Just forgot that School Board file." He replied. As his daughter's grip on the towel loosened, the bulge in his trousers tightened. Cherry noticed this, and seemed to enjoy the positive attention. She smiled devilishly and allowed her father to get back to finding his file.Cherry signed on to her favourite porn site. It was 10pm, and her father shouldn't be back for at least another hour. She searched up "hard, fast fucking" and clicked on the first result. She watched as the helpless red head was pounded hard by a man who looked strikingly like her father. Cherry's hand began to fumble her trouser button open and threw her hand under her panties. She opened her legs and helped her fingers insert into her tight little pussy and moaned under her breath. The man spanked the redhead, who screamed in pleasure. Cherry imagined her being in the redheads position, but with her daddy.
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