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We have a independent house this story is about how my tenant’s wife became my wife and my age is just 21. My tenant suresh moved into our house in the year y2k with his newly married bride her name is veena . Within a month of marriage veena became pregnent . I used to call her akka. After delivering baby my feeling towards her changed , after seeing her lactating her baby. From that day i made sure to see her breast when ever i got a chance. I even used to collect her bra’s and panties . This went on for about four year’s , But some thing really changed in the year 2005 during my long summer vacation . It happened on one wednesday morning , i was leaving my house to buy tickects for the new release of harry potter flim , while i passed veena’s window’s she called me abu , i asked her wat akka . She said she want’s to speak with me in private i said if you wish you come to movie with me , to which she readily accepted for which i laid a condition stating that she should come in the. His eyes had held suspicion for a moment but then the moment passed and they were talking of other things. Yet, Angilee chided herself for not having a better story prepared.The housewife realized that she had already told a series of lies to her husband and therefore, indirectly, to her children as well. She had always detested lying and now found herself the epitome of hypocrisy as well as prevarication. But she also realized that the excitement and sexual satisfaction which Jeremy and his friends provided was simply more than she could resist. Jeremy not only promised her so very much, he delivered on those promises.So it was only two nights later that Angilee found herself in his apartment once again, this time with Jeremy and Ling. Angilee felt a tinge of disappointment as she wondered how the two of them could possibly excite her like twice their number had done only a few nights before. But as Angilee had discovered the other evening, Ling was an extremely sensual woman and in.
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