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As she orgasmed and then Sid did the same I had my second. Although there was a wall between us it was like I was in there with them.I slept soundly and it was Sue who woke me up. “Come on sleepy head, breakfast is on the table”. I waited until she had left the room before getting out of bed. I put on my bathrobe and went into the dining room. “Sleep well honey” said Sue and after Sid went into the kitchen for another coffee she whispered “I hope we were not noisy last night”. I blushed and shook my head but I don’t think she believed me. Nothing more was said as Sid came back with his coffee but her smile spoke a thousand words. I couldn’t help but wonder how it must feel to be that excited having sex.Sid said he had work to do in the garden so Sue suggested she and I go shopping. I wasn’t that keen but said yes and off we went. We did some grocery shopping and then, after putting that in the car, she suggested a walk around. We went into the dress shop and she asked if there was. As one pushed in the other pulled out. They worked to perfection and my wife started down the road to a continuous cum. She was screaming as she came. Then she collapsed, but these guys just kept on fucking her. All she could do was moan and whimper as they fcuked her for almost 30 minutes. The guy in her ass said, "I am going to pull out of your ass andshoot in your mouth."He pulled hius cock out of her ass and moved toward her mouth and the cum shot on her face and the guys face underneath. Both of them seemed to enjoy it. I had been untied and started sucking off my friend again. I had tasted cum and I wanted more. When my friend was rock hard, he said to the guy under my wife, "Let's do a double anal." I said, "No way can my wofe take two cokcs in her ass. She barely took the one." " Who said she was the one who was going to take a double anal."The sexy tranny moved my head out of the way and sat on my friend's cock with his ass. It seemed like it was effortless to fit those 9.
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